Flim-flam win crunchiest phrase of the week in my world. I know always it's your writing because it seizes me by the heart. Oh, sincerity... <3

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THE Frances Story is listening to my work? Be still my heart!!

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Well, I echo Chuck Ziehr: Nichole and Paul Parsons are among the most sincere people I know.

Looking more broadly, I would say that New York Times columnist, David Brooks has always been my favorite political commentator. Brooks threads the political divide with compassion and sincerity. I look forward to reading his new book, "How To Know A Person." Quoting from the book, "There is one skill that lies at the heart of any healthy person, family, school, community organization, or society: the ability to see someone else deeply and make them feel seen... to make them valued. heard, and understood." Personally, I would add, "Stop talking and listen!"

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I've been wanting to read David Brooks' new book, too! We might get the audio version for our Christmas road trip.

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Nicole and Paul Parsons are two of the most sincere, caring, and thoughtful people I know. I've gotten to know them through Trails for All in Westcliffe, CO--a great group of volunteers and welcoming people.

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What a compliment, Chuck! Thank you so much. And I agree, Trails for All seems to be a magnet for sincere, welcoming, caring people -- including you and Judy. You show us how it's done!

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